Save these dates… whether you’ve been at Fathom since the beginning or recently found yourself home here, we hope you’ll spend the weekend with us celebrating all that God has done and all that’s yet to come!
RSVP below and check back as we get closer for the most up to date event information and details.
Saturday, January 28th
5:00pm | Pre-Reception for Out of Town Guests
5:30pm | Appetizer Social
6:00pm | Celebration Dinner & Program
Sunday, January 29th
9:15 & 11:00am | Sunday Morning Worship Service
Gather with us for dinner and a special time of reflection and praise for all God has done over the last ten years at Fathom Church!
Whether you’ve been attending Fathom regularly for awhile, helped us launch and then God moved you to another mission field, or are just getting to know us – YOU’RE INVITED!
Suggested Donation: Adults $20 / Kids $10
A weekend of celebrating ten years calls for a little extra time and space! Two services, one message – come out and join us for worship and the word at either 9:15 or 11am. FathomKids will be available in the NextGen building with age appropriate, Biblical teaching for both services (children ages 10 and under).
No RSVP Required
Meeting Every Sunday @ 10am
& Thursday @ 6:45pm Beginning February 16th!
12700 Old St. Augustine Road Jacksonville, Fl